Monday, 14 May 2012

The Final Push!

Well it's been a little while since my last post but boy have i been busy with two major projects both very different from each other.

The first one is for the E4 TV channel which consists of making a short E4 sting for their annual competition in which the winner gets his work used for there channel. which is pretty but they have many entrants each year.

Every year we challenge you to do something rather special by making an on-air sting for E4. And 2012 is no different.
The 2012 competition is now open. Enter the 2012
The 1st Prize winner will receive a£2500 and a runner up will receive £500.

The finalists will also be invited to attend an awards ceremony in glamorous
London where the final winner will be announced. Special!

For  my inspiration i researched some of the past entries  of which there are many,  and from these chose my Favourites. 

Here are some of the ones i liked.

This is a very slick and tight animation that shows a good level of Technical skill And for me has a lot of visual Appeal with a  element of humour. Left me thinking what a clever little Animation. Very cool!

Nice and quirky which is something that E4 seems to like Animation with an edginess!

I like the 3D work  in this Animation and its  an area that i haven’t worked in on this course yet so Who knows? I like a challenge.

This is simple and fun and shows it dose not  have to be over complicated to produce a  good animation Sting. My love for Stop motion Helps me to appreciate the simplest of ideas that are brought to life

Hey this made me smile i did a science lab environment in my Red Bull  competition

The Big Experiment
I learnt alot from doing this tidy little Animation and from this have later plans to do a little power battle clip with these cute little guys battling it out against each other.

Another E Sting

 This is a similar idea that Channel 4 do with their Logo where they use objects as silhouettes to Echo the Logo a Background or Cityscape.......

Anyway seen a lot of  E4 stings

I have been looking at the e4 logo and was hoping for ideas for it’s use in the animation I plan to do so I was messing around in Photoshop and thought that the logo turned on it’s axes was kind of interesting
It would be simple to make a cute little Animation with these guys!

The  space ship reminds me of the space ship in Space Invaders, the old retro game I played as a kid.  It use to shoot  a cross the top  at speed as you tried to shoot it down whilst trying to shoot all the other Aliens without getting destroyed yourself.

The space ship reminds me of the space ship in Space Invaders, the old retro game I played as a kid. It use to shoot a cross the top at speed as T

This gives me the idea to create a Retro E4 sting using the E4 Logo. ill Post More Later.tried

OK well I've been doing some tests with a programme called Cinema 4D (which my son uses) and i have been looking at doing some 3d work just because it's something i haven't done before so i thought i would make the most of my degree time and challenge myself to new things.

Well i have managed to turn the E4 logo into a 3d object by Taking it into Photo Shop and and creating a Paths File then Exporting as an AI file (because i don't have Adobe Illustrator) Then you import it into 4D add some Extrude Nurbs and you get This!!!Io

It took a while to get familiar with the program's And i am miles away from that! But i am pleased with this and feel it could work well in my E4 Sting.

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