Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Getting my work out there!

Well with all this hard work i decide to Join all the bog type sites to help get my work out there, ineed all the help i can getso this seemed to be the way forward so i have now joined Face Book, Twitter, Vimeo,Blogger, Canimation, and Threadless, Here are a few images incase like me your new to this stuff!

What was nice was due to Face Book several people from the Canimation Site messaged me to say How much they enjoyed mine which was cool. and i inturn viewed theres and messaged back it was nice talking to other Animators i had never met before

I have followed people on twitter that i enjoy or share some sort of interest and in doing so they might find my links of interest?

FaceBook is great for finding people and i have had good responses for my Canimation due to this site
But for me to really stand a chance i neede to join about 3 years a go as some peaople have hundreds of friends an links still it is Great for Getting your work  seen.

I am very pleased that i did the canimation thing as it was good speaking with other Animators out there about Animation and our works and the list above is full of cotacts that i would never of made with out it so even though i did not make the final ten in my Catagory it has been very worthwhile.
I also believe that had i had the votes needed in my atagory that i stood a chance making the final 5 maybe even final three ( in the Stop Motion student Catagory ) as the ones that did get through only a few were of a highish standard. But the Open Catagory was amazing and i didn't stand a chance in that
not yet anyway.
Paul Gatward.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Bradford Animation Festival

Well things have moved on a little and lif is busy busy ,But i thought i might as well mention the Bradford  Animation  Festival i went to last month which really was a worth going to see. If you missed it this year then it is really worth going and as it is an annual then look out for it next year as the venue is excellent and the quality  of Animation is of the highest standards. This year they were showing work from Artists such as Barry Purves (wind in the willows) Andy Schmidt (Cars 2 ,Pixar )and MainFrame (Visual Effects Studio)as well as many many more an excellent Event. Here are a few images about it.

A Morning Stroll

This was by far my Favourite Animation that i watched at the festival it was Simple in essense and
and clever in the production. if you wish to view heres a preview link

The Braford Aimation Festival 2011

I did ask Andy Schmidt when the next Incredibles 2 would be but he stayed tight lipped!?
he was busy truing to push the new cars 2 movie. I have to say that the whole Cars concept never really worked for me i didn't like the placement of the eyes on the windscreen? headlights for me would of worked better but also the choice to ignore the relationship between humans and cars completely, was a wrong choice. For me having human characters intereact with the cars like they do with Herbie could of worked better!                                                                                                    

Here are some images of cars 2

New character Finn McMissle

MainFrame the Visual Effects Studio was well worth a view and i enjoyed the talk and an insiders view about how they go about making Adverts and gathering concepts and ideas. very informative!

As you can see there was much to see and i have mentioned but a few.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Red Bull Canimation The Big Experiment

Ok well i've now managed to get my Animation up and running on red Bulls Canimation site loads of problems to start with so had aweeks delay on the upload to site so i now need loads of people to vot buy watching and comenting the sharing with other people the animation here is the link to my Animation called
"The Big Experiment." Link: This will take you to the page and mine will be the one ready to play. click play i get a vote the please if you like it comment in the comment section.and  thats it any body who wants vote can vote.

My work The Big Experiment

Here are Canimations complete instruction on voting........
  • How to vote

    We're not asking for a boring old thumbs up or down in this competition. Nor are we asking for a star rating. Instead, we're asking you to decide the top 10 simply by watching and interacting. The more buzz an animation gets, the higher it'll rise. So if you really like an animation, share it with your friends, watch it every morning to get you ready for the day, drop in a comment to tell us (and the animator!) how much you like it. Basically, the more love you give an animation, the closer it will get to the top 10.

  • please add my link to your face book it will all help.

  • Monday, 7 November 2011

    Animation competition claymation

    I have been busy preparing characters for this short advert decided on a simple white back drop and soft lighting created from Some white canvas and basic desk lamps and home made tracing paper (shops were closed !) There is a not much time to do this Animation as the deadline is 15/ Nov/ 11 

    Here are some images of my pre-production work.

                                             Here  is my humble Studio ( Summer House\Shed)

    I'm using a Nikon D500 camera
    I have added a third light for back lighting, which is not shown here. And tracing paper as defuseses for the bright lights. 

    I made the eyes out of plastic beads sprayed white and then painted  a Black pupil on. The hole is great for turning eyes in different directions using a cocktail stick when Animating.

    These little characters are set up to look like they are sitting in Petri dishes in a lab (they are in fact up turned muffin case packaging lids) the original plan was to green screen these guys and place a Lab back drop image in seen later but i like the clear white back ground and am on a short deadline
    enjou and will post clip when production is complete.

    Have just purchased Stop Motion Pro HD Action So that i Can use the live view software and also do without the Water mark you find with the trail version. will post more shortly.

    Thursday, 20 October 2011

    working on a new animation

    I have been looking into Green Screening using Stop Motion Pro 7.5 had a few teething problems with software (basically Stop motion pro green screen software is pretty poor at the moment so they advise using After Effects\premiere...... at the end phase or your Animation. To me that a real pain
    I hope they develop there own software to the same high standards. Anyway on this Animation i don't have the time scale to mess about with lighting cliches. So i will leave green screen for my next Project. Anyway I've decided to use three simple characters who will morph into others and clown around, roughly a 30 second add.

    In this image I've taken a trial version of SMP7 (Stop Motion Pro 7) and Reworked it in after Effects.

    Wednesday, 12 October 2011

    Paul Gatward Creating Stuff

    Hi My names Paul, I am Artist who has a constant disire to Create suff. i have interest in Illustration, Animation and Fine Art. I am currently in my final year of my B.A. Hons Illustration/Animation
    It is One of the best choices i have made in my life and could easily do another 3 years I have been very busy learning software programes for animation ( Flash,ToonBoom,StopMotionPro,Photoshop) and my Last Project was great fun Working on a couple of Claymation Gargoyles Here are some Shots for you to Enjoy!

    Here I am animating it’s a slow progress as I have never done claymation before. I can spend over an how just sculpting 1 frame I am running on 24 fps and some times you have to edit a whole second due to it not flowing right or that for e.g. A tail breaks and you haven’t noticed because you have been working on the Face.

    Working with Plastacine is frustrating at times because no matter how great your armature is, if the clay is cold it can crack when warm it melts. These elements fight against each over all the time. Producing large cracks which then have to be covered . When the lights are on the room gets warm the clay that is being sculpted at the time is becoming very manageable ,a good thing. However the clay that isn’t get any movement especially if its a large area wants to separate. e.g. the back and lower neck of gargoyles.  

    Have had some problems with software of stopmotion pro 7.5 and the nikon camera  the light keeps changing on the images taken due to nikon camera  exposure  keeps changing , this causes a slight flicker effect i have blogged this and it seems to be due to lens type and software. So no time to fix it for this project  maybe in the next.

    I have Other work that im just starting on that involves Morphing shoul be a lot of fun will post about it shortly.